Wednesday 4 July 2012


My group have decided that we want to create a comedic scene, and have chosen to create a piece about a mother talking to her daughter. We think that this is the best way to use the brief because we can make the sequence funny, awkward, dramatic and serious at the same time.

We are now looking at camera angles, and have watched a short clip from The Ring. The 180 degree rule is very important as if you go over the 180 degree line it can confuse the audience and make everything look back to front. The Ring sticks to this rule and has taught me that when creating my clip i should do the same.

Important camera angles we need to remember are:

-Long shot
-Mid shot
-Close up
-Extreme close up

-Canted angle
-High angle
-Low angle

We are going to practice these angles with the video camera and upload a video of these soon so that we are prepared and clear for our preliminary film. 

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