Thursday 11 April 2013


We have started the editing process of our music video now. It has taken us a while to get the hang of Adobe Premiere Pro but now we understand what we are doing it is a lot easier. We have put the song in and are editing the clips together. We have decided that because the song is very fast paced we will keep the clips short and flashing to go with this tempo.

This is a screen shot from the editing process. We have now edited just over half of our film together. We have tried really hard to fit the visual image to the rhythm and lyrics. Because of this it has taken a lot longer to edit than we originally thought. We are sticking with the fast and flashing theme of the video clips and have decided to weave in an out of present and past in a dream like way. So far there is a pattern of clips relating to the song chorus/bridge/verse etc. I think it is good to have a pattern because it makes more sense in the viewers mind, especially when the video is quite abstract like ours is.


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