Wednesday 7 September 2011

Magazines 'Heat' and 'Kerrang'

Today we compared two different magazines, 'Heat' and 'Kerrang'. We have looked at the conventions and the codes of both and discovered:
-Both magazines use a similar layout on the front cover
-Both have interviews from either celebs or musicians
-Both include advertising and upcoming events/gigs
-Both come with posters
-Heat uses casual language, Kerrang uses a more formal tone
-Kerrang is strictly about a genre of music, Heat talks about anything, mainly focusing on the latest gossip.
-Heat uses eye catching fonts that make you want to read on, Kerrang are more 'quiet', they dont shout things out.
-Kerrang is aimed at a musical audience, and is for those who prefer heavy metal, Heat is aimed at any age, from teens to old people, and for whoever wants to find out the latest gossip.

I enjoyed looking at the simlarities and differences of the two magazines, and was interested to see there are quite a few of both.

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