Tuesday 20 September 2011

Who is the Audience + Magazine Research?

I really like the layout of the magazine Vogue, and am thinking about encorpourating some of the ideas in to my own work when i start my magazine. I love the curled 'Scarlett Johanson' typography as well as the writing style underneath that. The title is eye catching and the picture is striking. I think that this is a very interesting magazine cover and i really like the format.
The magazine Glamour is aimed at women, and you can tell this because of the feminine cover. It is definately aimed at style consious women because it mentions many fashion tips, advice and offers on the front cover. The mag advertises the price clearly on the front, and as this isn't too expensive shows it is aimed at middle class women and is not too upmarket, although does look quite posh on the front cover.

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