Monday 30 January 2012

Advanced Contents Page Research

I have searched all over for my favourite contents pages, and these are definately the two favourites. I love them both because of the detailing and patterns in them even though the actual images dont take up all of the page. I especially like the white background with the contents on, and feel that this creates a really nice and easy to read magazine which will be good for my target market. These magazines have differences as well as similarities, as one of them has lots of pictures on one page and the other only has one. I personally like both magazines equally and am planning on attempting to emulate a mixture of the two. I love how both contents pages have the name of their magazine above the word 'contents' and i think this is a nice effect. Overall both contents pages have helped me in looking towards my final contents page and given me lots of tips on what to do when i make mine.

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