Tuesday 17 January 2012

Contents Pages

 I have been researching different contents pages for my own magazine contents page. This first contents page from the magazine Q has influenced me for my own page, and i like the big red block of background because it makes the text stand out more. I am thinking of emulating this in my own. I like the white writing and the way it compliments the darker background and stands out well. The image is quite dark but this fits with the genre of the magazine. The font is quite plain but eye catching and the contents page also includes the date and 'every month' regular features. It doesnt tell the reader everything that is in the magazine, just the main features.

This magazine also only includes the main features within the magazine on the contents page. The space is mostly taken up by the large, eye catching image. The title fits well with the general theme of the contents page, which is soft, girly and feminine. The wall in the background of the photo is textured slightly, making the magazine look more interesting and exiting. There is a quote at the bottom of the contents page, the only other piece of writing on their.

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